Fidesic November 2019 Release Notes


This November release is particularly exciting for us. It marks the end of the initial alpha test run of the latest version of Fidesic. If you're using Fidesic for AP processing, you'll receive an invite for the last version of our site shortly. If you're already using the new version of the site no need to change anything.

Click here for more info no the new version of the site. 



Standard release notes

Invoices Received

"Search By" selector retains the selection you search after completing the page load.

"Date Range" searching now displays invoices including the date selected for more intuitive searching. 


Approval Queue

  1. This page displays how many outstanding i have to approve, and my place in the queue. 

  2. Can navigate forward and backwards in the queue

  3. Clicking on "Unapproved invoices" or the "1 of x pending" takes me to the unapproved invoices queue. 

My Invoices

Removed a bug that made this not display properly for some users. 


Auto-Signup Page Completion

Users can now user auto-signup to create their accounts directly. 


Invoice Detail Page

Discount percentages now calculating correctly on the front end of the site. 

Clickable Workflow- You can now click on a workflow rule from the invoice detail page to be re-directed to the rule within the workflow engine itself. 


Export Invoices Page

Users can now user the new version of Fidesic to flat file export a document for manual account integration. 


Customer Account Center

Customers can now set accounting system from the customer account center in preparation for them being able to export a flat file for integration into their accounting system.