How to Get Started with MagiCapture Ocr

This guide assumes you've set up your Fidesic account and are ready to submit invoices.

Process Overview

Once you've set up your Fidesic account, connected it with you ERP and synced your data, you can begin sending invoices into our MagiCapture system for processing. 

These invoices will be automatically capture, and sent out for approval using our approval workflow engine. If you've just set up an account, you will be automatically set as the default approver. 

Direct Upload and Submission

The easiest way to test our MagiCapture is to upload an invoice directly, and sent it MagiCapture as a one-off. 

To do so, navigate to Enter Invoice and upload a PDF. 

This invoice will be sent to capture immediately, and will return all captured data back. If the invoice has everything it needs, it will create a completed invoice, if we are missing a couple fields we'll populate everything we captured and let you fill in the rest. Partially captured invoices are note charged. 

What is my OCR Email Address?

First Navigate to you Company Settings page and click on Invoice Inbox Settings for the top menu. 

Send invoices to your entry queue:

For OCR Processing, send invoices to:

Documents sent to the address will appear on the Invoice Inbox page. Documents sent to the address will be sent to our OCR Queue for processing. 


How long does OCR take after submission?

Most documents (roughly 90 percent) will be processed in a few minutes. If documents do not show up immediately, that means they have been flagged for internal review on our end and we'll modify the system to support those documents moving forward.

These invoices will show up in your Invoice Inbox queue. From this queue you can either let them await manual review on our end (where they will process automatically), or manually fill in any missing details. 


What if I have feedback or questions?

Email any questions or feedback to We'll try the best we can to accommodate any OCR Requests.